Open postdoctoral position

The McFarLab is recruiting a postdoctoral researcher to study the molecular mechanisms of plant cell wall signaling. This, open, fully-funded, unionized position includes benefits such as paid vacation and extended health and dental care. The initial appointment will be for 1 year, with possible renewal to a total of 2.5 years of the funded project, supported by the Ontario Agri-Food Research Initiative (OAFRI) via the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership.

Review of applications begins July 17

See details here, including information on how to apply for this position.

Welcome summer students

The McFarLab welcomes five summer undergraduate students to the lab this week:

Fayeza Azad joins the group as our new summer work-study student.

Tina Guan has been awarded a highly competitive NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award to investigate the interplay between hormone signaling and cell wall signaling

Jenson McIntyre joins the group as a summer work-study student to screen for cell wall signaling mutants.

Gaeun Shin has won a prestigious University of Toronto Excellence Award to continue investigating the molecular mechanisms of cell wall signaling.

Vicky Zhu will conduct some transcript analysis as a casual worker.

Welcome to the McFarLab, everyone! If you’re wondering how these students came to join the group, check out the info on joining the McFarLab team.

Welcome new lab members!

Today, Fabrizio Chow and Eskandar Mohammad join the McFarlab as new MSc students.

Fabrizio earned his BSc from the University of British Columbia where he studied the localization of enzymes that contribute to the reinforcement of plant secondary cell walls via lignification with Prof. Lacey Samuels. Fabrizio will study the molecular mechanisms of plant cell wall signaling.

Eskandar first joined the lab as a work-study student, then continued as a CSB498 project course student, and finally won a prestigious UTEA scholarship. Eski will continue his previous to study how pectins contribute to plant morphological changes.

We also have several new undergrads in the lab”

Vicky Fang joins the lab a CSB498 project course student.

Francesca Medina will continue her work in the lab as a work-study student.

Elle Nelson joins the group as our new work-study student.

Gaeun Shin will continue her summer CSB498 project working as a CSB499 project course student.

Demitra Tsoukalas will transition from being a work-study student to a CSB498 project course student.

Vicky Zhu will continue her work in the lab as a work-study student.

Welcome new students!

The McFarLab welcomes seven summer-term undergraduate students to the lab this week:

Evan Berthelot will continue his previous work as a CSB499 student.

Francesca Medina joins the lab as a new work-study student.

Eskandar Mohammad will continue his CSB498 work as a UTEA scholarship winner.

Gaeun Shin joins the lab as a CSB498 student.

Demitra Tsoukalas joins the lab as a new work-study student.

Tony Xie joins the group as a BCB330 student.

Shengjie Xu joins the lab as a CSB498 student.

Welcome new students!

The McFarLab welcomes seven fall-term undergraduate students to the lab this week:

Evan Berthelot joins the lab as a new CSB498 student.

Lauren Hall joins the lab as a work-study student.

Eskandar Mohammad transitions from being a summer work-study student to conducting a CSB498 project.

Leonardo Tullo continues in the group as a work-study student working with Eduardo.

Rylan Vincent transitions from being a volunteer student to conducting a CSB498 project.

Carlos Wang will continue volunteering virtually and working on his meta-analysis project.

Vicky Zhu will continue her CSB URA work as a CSB498 project student.

Welcome to the McFarLab, everyone!